Changing Reversible Doors:
This refrigerator has been built with the door hinges on the right. If you wish to change the
opening direction, follow instructions below,
1 -Remove the upper rounded top (1). Using a sharp object, pry out the 2 plug buttons and
remove the 2 PHILLIPS screws (2). Remove the 2 PHILLIPS screws (3) which connect the upper
hinges to the upper rounded top and place it on a padded surface to prevent scratching.
2- Remove the bolts (4) of the upper hinge. Carefully lift the door (5) and place it on a padded
surface to prevent scratching.
3- Remove the pivot fixing part (6) from the freezer section by using a screwdriver.
4- Remove the freezer section door (7) by taking off the freezer section door pivot (8).
5- Place the freezer section door (9) in its new place by turning it opposite of the previous
6- Place the door pivot (10) of the freezer section in its place, then fit the pivot fixing part.
7- Remove the kick plate (11) by taking out the screws at each side of it with a Phillips
8- Remove the lower hinge (12) from the right side and transfer it to the left end.
9- Fit the kick plate (13) into its place.
10- Remove the door handle (14) by taking out the screws. Remove the plug buttons and
transfer them to the other side (15).
11- Mount the door handle (16) to tiie other side.
12- Set the door (17) to its piace making sufe the hinge pin enters the bushing in the door
bottom section.
13- White holding the door in the closed position, loosely secure the upper hinge (18) using the
bolts removed in STEP 2.
14- Before tightening these bolts, make sure the top of the door is level with the cabinet top.
Avoid over-tightening these bolts. Tighten both until they are just snug, then turn another
one-half turn.
15- Replace the upper rounded top (19).
16- Tighten the upper rounded top screws (20) and press the piug buttons (21).
17- Fit and tighten the screws (22) which connect the upper hinges to the upper rounded top.