The Decel Fuel Cut Rpm Low/High values normally end up within two ranges.
If you just can’t live with the exhaust “talking to you” as it burns off excess fuel at ANY rpm,
then the normal settings follow:
Decel Fuel Cut Rpm LOW = 1792 Rpm
Decel Fuel Cut Rpm HIGH = 2304 Rpm
If deceleration popping is NOT a particular problem except at high rpms then the following
settings should be used.
Decel Fuel Cut Rpm LOW = 2944 Rpm
Decel Fuel Cut Rpm HIGH = 3200 Rpm
Adjusting Decel Post Fuel Enrichment
If as the engine Rpms reduce to the Decel Fuel Cut Rpm LOW, and the engine once again
receives fuel and begins to fire, if a forward bump is felt, a reduction of the Decel Post Fuel
Enrichment value will correct this.
If NO bump is felt or a crackle is heard during throttle advancement while the engine is
deceleration, then an increase of the value in Decel Post Fuel Enrichment may correct this.
The Variables:
All developed Thunder Max Basemaps have been pre-set to operate with reduced levels of
deceleration pop. Obviously, there are nearly unlimited types and brands of exhausts which are
used. Providing maps to control Deceleration Pop on “all possible combination” is not practical.
This document hopefully helps inform the customer on the dynamics and will provide insight on
“what can be done” to help correct any deceleration concerns.
Rider preference and expectations varies greatly. We try to meet every ones desires.
We have actually eliminated deceleration pop and crackle only to be told by some riders….I
want it to CACKLE! It’s a Harley!!!!
Good Luck!!!!!!