To avoid electric shock, before you disassemble the unit (take off the
tank), unplug the appliance!
Do not fill the tank other liquids, except for tap water.
Another of the liquid is harmful to internal components and leads to
failure. Do not fill the device or reservoir for water additives such as
essential oils, fragrances, detergent, chemical medicines, warm water
(above 40°), etc
Otherwise, the water tank and the internal parts damaged and the
device will come to a fault.
Do not pour water directly into the interior of the device or nebulizer.
The presence of water inside the unit may cause damage to the device.
Do not hit or throw a water reservoir. It may be damaged, leading to
water leakage. Do not use the device in the event of a severe blow tank.
Immediately contact customer service or item of maintenance and
Each day, fill the tank with clean water and keep the unit clean.
Device control
Connect the device to the mains. Pre-fill the tank with water. Check that the
filters are installed and are released from plastic bags.
On the control panel has two handles.
The first handle (left) turns on and off the fan air cleaner, adjusts the output
(power unit) to clean the air. Turn the knob to the right, thus you can select
the fan: low, medium, high (maximum power to clean the air).
The second handle (right) turns on and off humidifier, ultrasonic membrane
regulates the performance (actually power the device) for humidifying the
air. Turn the knob to the right, thus you can select the mode of operation:
low, medium, high (maximum capacity of humidifying theair).
At the beginning of this operation, the level of spray vapor may be unstable,
which is caused by the difference in temperature and water quality. It will
take a short time to ensure that this process has stabilized. Rotate the knob
to the left and right, you can adjust the intensity of steam. More than a
couple of goes, the stronger and faster the humidification.
Comfortable conditions are achieved at a relative humidity of 40 to 60%. You
can define a favorable humidity level for you to own feelings, or to use for
this special device - a hygrometer that measures relative humidity (not
Air cleaning system includes: air ionizer, an ultraviolet lamp, HEPA filter,
carbon filter and photocatalyst filter (2 in 1), filter for fragrance*.
*To use this filter, apply a small amount of any aromatic substances such as oil on the surface of the
filter. Aromatic substance in the package is not included.
6.1. The ionizer generates negative ions (anions) and refreshes the air in the
room. Anions strengthen the nervous and circulatory systems, improve the
lungs and provide effective protection against respiratory illnesses (such as
asthma and pneumonia). Anions purify the air of dust and smoke.
The ionizer and UV lamp engaged automatically when the device is turned
in the mode air purifier (with the fan).
6.2. UV light breaks down harmful bacteria adhering to the filter (bacteria,
viruses and fungal spores) to simpler compounds, destroying them.
6.3. Filter HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air filter) clears the air of dust,
pollen and other allergens down to 0.3 microns in size to 99.95%.
6.4. Carbon filter and the photocatalyst filter (2 ini). Charcoal filter removes
cigarette smoke, harmful gases traps (such as carbon monoxide, and
formaldehyde **) and clears the air of odors and other chemical compounds.
** Formaldehyde - a colorless gaseous substance with a pungent smell, used in many consumer
products (among them - plastics, adhesives, base laminate of MDF and furniture made of chipboard,
MDF, which are used in the manufacture of formaldehyde resins.
Photocatalyst filter effectively removes harmful organic and inorganic
pollutants, bacteria and viruses, mold spores. Photocatalyst filter collects
contaminants and decompose them into harmless substances. Its
maximum efficiency is achieved when working together with an ultraviolet
lamp, which is involved in the process of photocatalyst.
The effects of UV harmful organic and inorganic components are oxidized to
carbon dioxide and water.
Cassette filters should be changed about once every 4-6 months (depending on
the degree of air pollution and the frequency of use of the device).
6.5. Filter for fragrance.Tousethisfilter,applya small amount of any aromatic
substances such as oil on the surface of the filter (in the flavoring is not
Filter for fragrance can be removed from the total cassette filters. The
weathering of flavor, the user can re-apply to the aromatic surface of the
filter fora multiplefragrance in the room.
www.timberk.ru • climatic complex 11