• Checks before starting;
• Make sure that an airfilter is installed.
• Make sure that air inlet and return air grillages of the outdoor unit are not
blocked byfbreign objects.
• Cleaning of air filter
• Air filter cleans the air entering the conditioner from dust and foreign
particles. If the filter is contaminated, the conditioner capacity decreases
sharply. If the conditioner is operated permanently, the filter should be
cleaned once per two weeks.
If the conditioner is installed in a room with dusty atmosphere, then the air
filter should be cleaned more often.
• Ifthefilter is contaminated heavily, replace it with a new one (airfilters may
be purchased by separate order or boughtin a shop).
To remove the filter, open the air inlet of the indoor unit panel. Press the
locks to the center and pull the grillages down. Remove the air inlet.
Remove the air filter. Clean the filter with a vacuum cleaner or rinse it in
clean water. If the filter is contaminated heavily, clean it with a soft brush
and wash in diluted washing solution, then dry it in a cool place.
• While cleaning the filter with the vacuum cleaner, hold it with
contaminated surface up. While washing the filter in water, hold it with
contaminated surface down.
• Do not d ry the filter in the sun or near a fire.
• Set the airfilterto initial position and close an air inlet cover
Failures and their possible reasons:
Hie oandHanef does not
Mmifttetti h power atppV
Wat tor redotaHoh of power supply
BattHTles In Й1В ramate control boanl ara low
ReMasthe b^tsdK
Time «Ì tun*w on b set br the liner
Wat П the condMoner turns on by
the Umv or canoel ttia Umer Mttira
imuflctent ccoina w
tMattng capacity
TiK Sei air tenveratUR h «» hfcii or too k)W
Set the dr leiteeature coltectlv
The air liter b doocBd hMi (hst Clean the dr 1*er
Fisriign oWws Mock the * inw ««1 wim
air lytlages oT the outdoor uiK
Remove (otei{pi oOfects
TheisndiHoner imrtcs, but
does not oul nr heat the
Athne-nninute delay Ы compressor turning
The air tenweialure b set temtedls
Set itieteneersue сшесйу
Service life of the device is 10 years provided that the respective
installation and operation rules are observed.
Date of the conditioner manufacture is shown in a serial number of the
device. For more details, please, ask a shop assistant.
Upon expiration of the service life, the device should be utilized in
accordance with norms, regulations and procedures effective in the
place of utilization.
www,tlmberluu « ftouseftoM ofrconiifttooer