TrueType Fonts
TrueType Font Dictionary Entries 83
StrokeWidth number
Optional. Indicates the stroke width (in units of the character
coordinate system) for stroked outline fonts (PaintType 2). This
field is not initially present in filled font descriptions. It must be
added when creating a stroked font from an existing font.
Note that certain PostScript programs (for example, program 16
in the PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook) incorrectly
assume that all PostScript fonts have a 1000-unit coordinate
system. These programs may exhibit incorrect behavior when
used with Type 42 fonts.
Table 4-4 Font dictionary entries specific to Type 42 fonts
Key Type Semantics
sfnts array
Required. An array of PostScript string objects that contains the font
description in the 'sfnt' format. Because PostScript strings can be
no more than 65,535 bytes long, 'sfnt' descriptions that are longer
than 65,535 bytes must be broken into separate strings. The 'sfnt'
data should be divided at both a longword and a table boundary. If a
single table exceeds 64K bytes, it should be divided at the nearest
longword and glyph boundary.
For compatibility with certain versions of the LaserWriter driver, each
string in the 'sfnt' array must contain a single pad byte at the end.
Table 4-5 Optional entries for FontInfo dictionary
Key Type Semantics
FamilyName string Name for a group of fonts that are stylistic variants of a single
design. All fonts that are members of such a group should
have exactly the same FamilyName.
Conventional value: font family name from the 'sfnt' name
FullName string Unique name for an individual font.
Conventional value: full font name from the 'sfnt'
name table.
isFixedPitch boolean If true, indicates that the font is a fixed-pitch (monospaced)
Conventional value: isFixedPitch Boolean value from the
'sfnt' post table.
ItalicAngle number Angle in degrees counterclockwise from the vertical of the
dominant vertical strokes in the font.
Conventional value: italic angle from the 'sfnt' post table.
Table 4-3 Entries for Type 1 specific font dictionaries (continued)
Key Type Semantics