1. Make sure that the height of the enclosure is between
59.875 and 60.125 inches for HE-08xx models or
between 52.875 and 53.125 inches for HE-06xx models.
The width of the enclosure must be between 23.50 and
23.65 inches. The depth of the enclosure should be at
least 24.00 inches.
2. The floor must be solid and level and must be able to
support the weight of the refrigerator and contents.
Never install the refrigerator directly on carpeting.
3. When installing the refrigerator into the enclosure
recess, all areas within the recess must be sealed to
prevent exhaust fumes from entering the living space.
Insure that the combustion seal is compressed between
the front mounting flange of the refrigerator and all sides
including the top and bottom of the enclosure. The
bottom trim must be installed so that the mounting holes
line up with the two holes in the bottom flange (Fig 12).
4. The refrigerator must be secured in place with four
wood screws. Two screws secure the bottom flange and
the bottom trim to the bottom of the enclosure and 2
screws secure the top flange to the top of the enclosure.
5. The refrigerator is certified to operate in an enclosure
with zero clearance to combustible materials refrigerator
as illustrated in Fig. 7 for the top (G), sides (K), bottom
(L) and back (M) of the refrigerator.
Proper installation requires one lower fresh air intake vent and
one upper exhaust vent. The ventilation kits for this refrigerator
are certified for use with these models and must be installed
exactly as written in this manual without modification. Any other
installation method voids both the certification and the factory
warranty of the refrigerator.
Upper Roof Vent Base 24” x 5 ¼ “
Side Vent Cutout Dims 13 ¾ “ x 21 ½ “
The bottom of the opening of the lower fresh air intake should be
even with floor of the enclosure. With the lower vent in this
position, it can provide a path for any leaking propane fumes to
escape and not collect at the
floor level. The center of the lower vent should be directly behind
the center of the refrigerator as illustrated in Fig. 8.
The upper roof vent should be aligned directly above the
refrigerator with a free and unobstructed path for the air flow
rising up from the refrigerator’s condenser.
Ideally the roof vent is installed directly above the condenser of
the refrigerator as shown in Fig. 9. Other installations require the
roof vent to be positioned more in the center of the vehicle which
requires the construction of a special baffle to angle the air back
to the roof vent as shown in Fig 10.