Do not move the big lower door
shelf to ensure correct air circula-
4.10 Humidity Control
When storing vegetables and fruits in the
refrigerator it is good practise to place the
produce in the drawer. The refrigerator
makes sure that the temperature is kept
low, thus slowing down the aging. In nor-
mal conditions, when the vegetable draw-
er is not fully loaded, and contains a mix
of vegetables and fruits, the humidity con-
trol should be placed in the high humidity
position illustrated by the large drop. This
means that the top grill is closed high hu-
midity is maintained inside the drawer.
This should be the standard setting.
Sometimes when the drawer is tightly
packed there is a risk that the produce is
cooled less effectively it is then good
practise to open the vents of the grill to-
wards the small droplet. Vegetables nor-
mally cool themselves by evaporating wa-
ter, and in the case of closed vents, there
is risk of a build up of drops and pools of
water inside. Produce that may drive large
quantities include lettuces, mushrooms,
broccoli and carrots. In cases where the
mix contains apples and fruits, it may be a
good idea to keep the vents a little open
in case there is a risk of ethylene accumu-
lation inside. Ethylene is a growth hor-
mone released by some fruits and vegeta-
bles, that may harm some, and speed up
aging of others.
4.11 Freshzone drawer
This device allows rapid cooling of foods
and more uniform temperature in the
To switch on the function:
Switch on the Shopping function.
The Shopping indicator comes on.
Slide upward the flap as shown in the
To switch off the function:
Slide down the flap.
Switch off the Shopping function.
The Shopping indicator goes off.
The function switches off auto-
matically after few hours.
4.12 FreshZone Mode
If the compartment is not needed as
FreshZone, the settings can be changed
in order to have it just as a low tempera-
ture drawer.
Slide upward the flap as shown in the fig-
To switch off the function, slide down the
4.13 QuickChill of Drinks
This function allows rapid cooling of
To switch on the function:
Remove or place upward the Fresh-
zone drawer and put the bottle rack