Service manual WM70.C
Fault indicators
Error message Cause Action
Over flow fault Too much water in the machine. Service action:
Check the machine's level system, inlet valve and drainage
pump. Check for any leaks.
The drainage pump is running but
the machine is empty.
Water outlet fault • The drainage pump has been
running for 3 minutes. Water
remains in the machine.
• The wash cycle is stopped and
the programme is reset.
1. Check that nothing is stuck in the drainage hose outlet.
2. Check that the drainage pump is not blocked by foreign
3. Check that there are no kinks in the drainage hose.
Service action:
1. If the pump only runs for a short while (approximately 20
seconds), this indicates a fault in the level system. Check the
level sensor and hoses.
2. Check the wiring and voltage to the pump. If necessary,
replace the pump and/or control unit.
3. After taking corrective action, run the Drain programme
or press the Key (door opening) button to empty the
Water inlet fault If the correct water level is not
achieved within five minutes the
wash cycle will be stopped.
1. Check that the tap on the water pipe is open.
Service action:
1. Check that the filter in the machine's water intake is not
2. Check the inlet valve. If necessary, replace the valve.
3. Check the voltage to the inlet valve. If there is no voltage,
this could be due to a fault in the level system, wiring or
control unit.
Security fault The door is open Close the door
Thermistor fault 1. Thermistor circuit open
2. Thermistor malfunction
3. The measurement value for the
thermistor is <300 Ω (>120°C)
Service action:
Check the thermistor. Replace if necessary.
Temperature fault The temperature has increased <
5°C in ten minutes
The wash cycle should continue to
the next step of the programme.
Service action:
Check the thermistor, heater, wiring and level system.
Wash motor fault No signal from the tacho or MCU. Service action:
Check the output signal from the MCU and the wiring
between the motor and the MCU.
Pressure fault Indicated if the level drops to
zero within 30 seconds of the first
Service action:
Check for leaks.