1 Check foods during defrosting. Foods vary in their defrosting speed.
2 It is not necessary to cover the food.
3 Always turn or stir the food especially when the oven “beeps”. Shield if necessary
(see point 5).
4 Minced meat/chops/chicken portions should be broken up or separated as soon as possible
and placed in a single layer.
5 Shielding prevents food cooking. It is essential when defrosting chickens and joints of meat.
The outside thaws out first, so protect wings/breast/fat with smooth pieces of aluminium foil
secured with cocktail sticks.
6 Allow standing time so that the centre of the food thaws out.
(minimum 1 hour for joints of meat and whole chickens).
By selecting 270 W, from the microwave
power pad, and setting a time, you can
defrost food in your microwave. The biggest
problem is getting the inside defrosted
before the outside starts to cook.
For this reason a defrost program alternates
between a defrost power and a standing time.
The name for this type of defrost is cyclic and
during the standing stages there is not any
microwave power in the oven, although the
light will remain on.
The automatic stand times ensure a more
even defrost but it is still necessary to allow
for standing time before use. Place foods in a
suitable container. Meat joints and chickens
should be placed on an upturned saucer.
Turn dense foods and meat 2-3 times
during defrosting.
Separate chops and small items e.g.
bread slices where possible.
Chickens and joints of meat will
require shielding during defrosting.
Break up small items e.g. minced meat,
frequently during defrosting.
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