Time to Select
Eggs – Scrambled
1 Egg
High 30 secs
1. Add 1 tbsp of milk for each
egg used.
2. Beat eggs, milk and knob of
butter together.
3. Cook for 1st cooking time
then stir.
4. Cook for 2nd cooking time
then stand for 1 minute.
then High 20 secs
2 Eggs
High 1 min
then High 40 secs
Fish - Frozen from raw
Haddock llets
380 g (4)
High 5 mins
Place in microwave safe dish.
Add 30 ml of liquid. Cover and
place on turntable.
6 mins
450 g High 10 - 12 mins
Boil in the bag 170 g (1)
5 mins
Place bag sauce side down on a
microwave safe plate. Slash top of
bag with a knife
then Rest 2 mins
then Low 4 mins
Fruit – Peel, slice, chop into even sized pieces. Place in shallow microwave safe dish.
Apples, rhubarb,
450 g High 6 - 7 mins
Only half ll dish. Cover and place
on turntable.
Plums – stewed
450 g High 9 - 10 mins
Add 30 ml (2 tbsp) of water.
Only half ll dish. Cover and place
on turntable.
Lamb – from raw – Caution: Hot Fat! Remove dish with care.
Chops, loin 600 g (4)
1 min 30 secs -
2 min 30 secs
per 450 g (1 lb)
Place on microwaveable safe dish
or rack on turntable. Cover.
then Low
2 mins 30 secs
- 3 mins 30 secs
per 450 g (1 lb)
Pasta – Place in a large 3 litre (6 pint) microwave safe bowl.
225 g High 10 - 12 mins
Use 1 litre (1¾ pint) boiling water in
a large 2 litres (4 pints) bowl.
Cover and place on turntable.
Spaghetti, tagliatelli 225 g High 8 - 10 mins
Cooking Charts
Always check that food is piping hot after reheating in the microwave. If unsure return to oven.
Foods will still require a stand time, especially if they cannot be stirred. The denser the food the
longer the stand time.
High: 1000 W Medium: 600 W Low: 440 W Simmer: 300 W Defrost: 270 W Warm: 100 W