Defrosting Guidelines
Tips for Defrosting
Standing times
Individual portions of food may be cooked
almost immediately after defrosting. It is normal
for large portions of food to be frozen in the
centre. Before cooking, allow to stand for a
minimum of one hour. During this standing
time, the temperature becomes evenly
distributed and the food is defrosted by
conduction. N.B. If the food is not going to be
cooked immediately, store it in the refrigerator.
Never refreeze defrosted food without first
cooking it.
Joints and Poultry
It is preferable to place the joints on an
upturned plate or plastic rack so that they are
not resting in the juices. It is essential to protect
delicate or projecting parts of this food with
small pieces of foil to prevent these parts from
cooking. It is not dangerous to use small pieces
of foil in your oven, provided they do not come
into contact with the oven walls.
Minced meat or cubes of meat and
Since the outside of these foods quickly
defrosts, it is necessary to separate them,
break the blocks into pieces frequently while
defrosting and remove them when they have
Small portions of food
Chops and chicken pieces must be separated
as soon as possible so that they defrost evenly
Fatty parts and the ends defrost more quickly.
Place them near the centre of the turntable or
protect them.
Loaves will require standing time to allow the
centre to thaw. Standing time can be shortened
if slices are separated and rolls and loaves cut
in half.
Defrosting Guidelines
Tips for Defrosting
Standing times
Individual portions of food may be cooked
almost immediately after defrosting. It is normal
for large portions of food to be frozen in the
centre. Before cooking, allow to stand for a
minimum of one hour. During this standing
time, the temperature becomes evenly
distributed and the food is defrosted by
conduction. N.B. If the food is not going to be
cooked immediately, store it in the refrigerator.
Never refreeze defrosted food without first
cooking it.
Joints and Poultry
It is preferable to place the joints on an
upturned plate or plastic rack so that they are
not resting in the juices. It is essential to protect
delicate or projecting parts of this food with
small pieces of foil to prevent these parts from
cooking. It is not dangerous to use small pieces
of foil in your oven, provided they do not come
into contact with the oven walls.
Minced meat or cubes of meat and
Since the outside of these foods quickly
defrosts, it is necessary to separate them,
break the blocks into pieces frequently while
defrosting and remove them when they have
Small portions of food
Chops and chicken pieces must be separated
as soon as possible so that they defrost evenly
Fatty parts and the ends defrost more quickly.
Place them near the centre of the turntable or
protect them.
Loaves will require standing time to allow the
centre to thaw. Standing time can be shortened
if slices are separated and rolls and loaves cut
in half.
Upute za odmrzavanje
Savjeti za odmrzavanje
Vrijeme odlaganja sa strane
Pojedinačne porcije hrane mogu se kuhati
odmah nakon odmrzavanja. Za velike porcije
hrane uobičajeno je da ostanu zamrznute u
središtu. Prije kuhanja ostavite ih sa strane
minimalno jedan sat. U tom se vremenu
temperatura ravnomjerno raspoređuje i hrana
se odmrzava kondukcijom topline. Napomena
Ako ne planirate odmah kuhati hranu, spremite
je u hladnjak. Nemojte ponovno zamrzavati
odmrznutu hranu bez da je prvo skuhate.
Veći komadi mesa i perad
Veće komade mesa trebali biste staviti na
preokrenuti tanjur ili na plastično postolje tako
da nisu umočeni u sokove. Nužno je i zaštititi
dijelove koji strše s malo folije da se ne bi
skuhali. Korištenje malih komada folije u pećnici
nije opasno ako nisu u dodiru sa stijenkama
Mljeveno meso ili kockice mesa te
plodovi mora
S obzirom na brzo odmrzavanje vanjskog
sloja hrane, potrebno je odvojiti dijelove, često
razbijati blokove u dijelove tijekom odmrzavanja
i vaditi već odmrznute dijelove.
Manje porcije hrane
Odresci i dijelovi piletine moraju se odvojiti
što je prije moguće da bi odmrzavanje bilo
Masni dijelovi i krajevi brže se odmrzavaju.
Stavite ih bliže središtu rotirajućih pladnja ili ih
Cijeli kruh trebat će neko vrijeme ostaviti sa
strane da bi se sredina otopila. To se vrijeme
može skratiti ako odvojite kriške ili prepolovite