450 g (1 lb) strong plain flour
10 ml (2 tsp) salt
25 g (1 oz) fat
10 ml (2 tsp) sugar
10 ml (2 tsp) dried yeast
300 ml (
pt) warm water
Standard Bread Dough
Dish: 2 x 450 g (1 lb) Pyrex loaf dishes, lightly greased Makes: 2 loaves or 12 rolls
Oven Accessory: glass tray then metal tray on glass tray
1. In a jug mix together the sugar, yeast
and water. Cover and leave in a warm
place to froth.
2. In a large bowl, combine the flour and
salt. Rub in the fat. Warm the flour
mixture for 30 secs. on 1000 W.
3. When the yeast is ready, add to the
flour. Mix to an elastic dough.
4. Turn onto a floured surface and knead
for 5 mins. Place in a greased plastic
bag and prove until dough has doubled
in size.
To prove by microwave: Place in a
greased Pyrex bowl. Heat on
1000 W for 10 secs. Stand for
10 mins. Leave in oven until dough has
doubled in size.
5. “Knock-back” dough, divide mixture into
two or shape as desired. Re-prove until
dough has risen to the top of the dish.
Cook individually on 1000 W for
3 mins. or on Combination: 220°C +
250 W for 10-12 mins.
Wholemeal Bread
Use 225 g (8 oz) each of wholemeal and
strong white flour.
Granary Bread
Use 450 g (1 lb) granary flour instead of
strong white flour.
To prove dough:
1000 W for 10 secs. STAND for
10 mins. then 1000 W for 10 secs.
Leave in oven until dough has doubled in
Microwaved Bread
Bread Cooked by Combination
Microwaves are ideal for preparing quick
loaves and rolls. Because there is no
external heat in the oven, do not expect
a browned crust to form, however the top
of loaves or rolls can be brushed with
beaten egg before cooking and sprinkled
with poppy seeds, sesame seeds or
cracked wheat to give colour and variety.
Your microwave offers an excellent quick
proving method. See recipe below.
Remove loaves from dish as quickly as
possible to help the bottom dry. Loaves
are cooked when they sound hollow
when tapped.
The main advantage of cooking bread by
Combination is that there is a saving in
time, especially for rich dough mixtures.
Bread can be cooked in a Pyrex loaf dish
or plaits can be placed on a baking
Do not preheat the oven if cooking by