19. Replacement Pa rt s - When replacement parts are re q u i re d, be
s u re the service technician has used replacement part s
s p e c i fi e d b y t h e m a n u fa c t u r e r o r h a ve t he s a m e
c h a ra c t e rri st i cs a s t he ori g i n al p ar t s. U nau t h ori ze d
substitutions may result in fi re, electric shock or other hazard s .
20. Sa fety Check-Upon completion of any service or rep a i rs to
p roduct, ask the service technician to perfrom sefety ch e ck s
to determine that the product is in proper operating condition.
21. Carts and Stands-The appliance should be used only with
a cart stand that is recommended by manufacturer.
22. An appliance and cart combination should be moved with
c a re . Quick stops, ex c e s s ive f o rc e, and uneve n su rfa c e s
m ay cause the appliance and cart combination to ove rt u rn .
The PDX-8000 is a high end perfo rmance turn t able designed
for the begi n n e rs and the pro fessionals with the same basic
quality as the best selling turn t abl e, the PDT- 5 0 0 0 .
N ew designed A.S. T.S(Anti Skipping To n e - a rm System)
and TH(Tracing Hold) balance TONE-ARM system protect
skipping performance in hard scratching. And this TONE-
ARM provide adjustment mechanism of tone-arm height
which Vestax Turntable series have generally.
Using high-torque direct motor, the integral motor delive rs
1.6kg• cm start torq u e. The high-torque gives quick starts that
e n ables the platter to re a ch 33-1/3 rpm within 0.3 second.
The tone-arm is mounted on the deck plate using a floating
suspension system with the drive motor. Acoustic feedback
is minimized by this advanced system.
The pitch is va ri able continu o u s ly by up to ap p rox i m at e ly ±1 0 %
and re t u rned automat i c a l ly to the pre d e t e rmined speed (33-1/3 or
45 rpm) by on/off sw i t ch even if the pitch control is employe d
P i t ch fader has no center cl i ck, and it allows delicat e
adjustment easily. The PDX-8000 features detachable pitch
control fader for ease of replacement when it is worn out.
The PDX-8000 provides detach able small stylus illuminator fo r
i l l u m i n ating the stylus tip during play for low-light conditions.
Q u i c k st o ps a r e ac h i ev e d w it h a n e l ect r o n i c b r a k i n g
sys tem. Rem ote control j ack is pr ovided for c ontro l l i n g
START/STOP by other equipment like a fader start etc.
rotation of turntable is controlled. Using PLL circuit of the
t wo system. Accura cy of playing speed and time ke ep i n g
will be completed.
The pitch speed is controlled by none center cl i ck pitch
control fader volume. The pitch fader span can be selected
between ±12%, ±6%, ±3%.
MOTOR OFF function is provided to cancel servo/brake
of the motor and REVERSE MODE will reve rse the
turntable thus provided.
STICK CONTROLLER is provided for the functions of
p i t c h b e n d a n d FA S T/S L OW, so that it is possible to
abjust speed up or down to begin phrase of a song without
touching the record.
Before detaching or attaching the headshell, be sure to turn
the power of the amplifier or mixer off.
D e t a ching or a t t a ching of the h eadshell w ith the vo l u m e
control turned up may cause damage to the speakers.
Do not turn "ON" the power supply, with the turn t abl e
platter detached.
When play is finished, be sure to secure the tone-arm with
the arm clamp. After play is finished, if the unit is not to be
used for some time, care should be taken to secure the
tone-arm to protect the stylus tip. For the same reason, the
stylus protector should also be attached.
Wipe the headshell terminals from time to time. Dust and
d i rt at th e h e ad s h e ll t e r m i n a l s m a y r es u l t i n i n c r e a s e d
"HUM" noise or intermittent sound. Use a soft dry cloth to
clean the heashell terminals.
Dust and dirt should be carefully removed from stylus tip
or records. Dust and dirt on the stylus tip or record may
not only result in deteri o ration of tone quality, but also
cause undue wear of the record and the stylus tip itself.
Transportation of the unit to distant places for removal and
the like. Pa ck up the unit in the reve rse order to that fo r
unpacking, using the packing materials furnished when the
uni t w a s pu r c h a s e d . S h o u l d the r e b e n o su ch p a ck i n g
materials, be sure to take the following steps. Remove the
turntable platter together with the turntable mat, and wrap
it up to prevent any damage to them. Return the tone-arm
to the arm rest, and affix it with tape or the like. Remove
the balance weight and the headshell/cart ri d ge from the
t o n e - a rm a nd then wrap them up to avoid and damage to
them. Wrap up the turn t able base with a bl a n ket or soft
paper also to prevent any possible damage to it.
Acoustic Feedback is usually cause by vibration of speaker,
which affects the sensitive cartridge. If such a phenomenon
occurs, relocate the turntable or speakers as far apart from
e a ch other as possibl e. Hum is usually cause by nearby
appliances that u se tra n s fo rmer or therm o s t at. Relo cat i n g
the unit further away from the noise sources will re a d i ly
s o l ve the pro blem. Hum may also be produced if the
grounding wire extending from the unit is secure ly
connected to the GND terminal on the amplifier of mixer.