Step 13
• Parts Needed For •
• Main Roof Beam Assembly (1)
Roof Beam/Braces
• 6227 Roof Beam Brace (2)
1 Fasten the track supports to the
front gable assembly only, as shown.
2 Wrap the weather stripping tape
around the two joined edges of the
large left and right gables. See dia
gram. Cut the weather stripping to
length and repeat on next gable set.
3 Spread the two halves of the double
roof beam and fasten to the gable
brace of the front gable.
4 Fasten the other end of the double
roof beam to the gable brace of the
rear gable.
5 Fasten a roof beam brace to the
double roof beam behind the front
gable by placing the tab on the end of
the brace between the roof beams.
Align the tab with the fourth hole and
fasten the brace with a bolt and nut.
6 Fasten the lower end of the roof
beam brace to the track support
with a bolt and nut.
7 Fasten a roof beam brace be
tween the rear gable and the roof
beam at the third hole, as shown.
10397 Roof Beam (Double)
•k. ...
Roof Beam Brace 6227