Back-lighting on the X-keys Stick (Esc + B) (Esc + L):
The LED back-lighting on the X-keys Stick can be controlled by one or both of these settings. To create a key
which will toggle the back-lighting on and off, program a key with the Esc + B combination. To turn the back-
lighting on when the X-keys Stick is powered up, program a key with the Esc + L combination. To return the
Stick to the default setting (back-lighting off), program a key with the Esc + L combination again.
Programming Errors:
If the X-keys encounters programming errors, the red and green layer indicators will blink simultaneously on
and off. Turn the programming switch off and back on to reset the X-keys to programming mode.
Errors can occur if:
a) There is an unreliable cable connection, check all cords for proper connection.
b) The computer is not operating in a mode to accept the entered commands (for example, pressing <Ctrl>,
<Alt> and <Delete> may cause a PC to reboot and the X-keys will not boot-up in programming mode).
c) Memory in the X-keys is exceeded. The entire X-keys will memorize 800 to 1,000 keystrokes depending
on the device and the keystrokes. If you think you have exceeded the memory capacity, contact our tech
support department for tips to conserve memory on the X-keys.
Box Contents Additional Accessories**
• X-keys Pro, X-keys Desktop, X-keys
Stick, or X-keys Foot Pedal
• Two vertical double-keys*
• One horizontal double-key*
• One key-puller*
• Instruction manual
• Basic Accessory Pack:
ü Two vertical double-keys
ü One horizontal double-key
ü One key-puller
• Vertical Keys Pack contains 10 vertical double-keys
• Horizontal Keys Pack contains 10 horizontal double-keys
• Single Keys Pack contains 10 single keys
• Square Key Pack contains 4 square keys (one square key
replaces 4 single keys)
*Not included with X-keys Foot Pedal
**Available from P.I. Engineering (visit: xkeys.com)
How to Find Us
Address: 101 Innovation Parkway
Williamston, MI 48895
Telephone: 517/655-5523 • 800/628-3185
Fax: 517/655-4926
Web: www.ymouse.com or www.xkeys.com