6.17 Replacing the plug fuse (12/24V)
Your fridge freezer is equipped with a fuse that is located in the 12/24V Dc plug.
CAUTION – Disconnect the fridge freezer from all power sources before
replacing the plug fuse.
To replace the plug fuse:
If fitted, remove the plastic adaptor collar from the end of the plug as shown in
Figures 16a and 16b. To do this, twist the collar and then pull it from the plug.
Remove the single screw as shown in Figure 16c.
Separate and remove the top housing from the body of the plug.
Remove the contact pin from the end of the plug as shown in Figure 16d.
Replace the defective fuse with a new fuse that has the same rating. The correct
rating for the fuse is T 8 Amp 32V.
Reassemble the plug by reversing the steps listed above.
Figure 16a Figure 16b
Figure 16c Figure 16d
Contact pin