Using Added Features to Make Efficient Phone Calls
Searching external phone books
Press the key "*".
Press the corresponding digit key once for the first few letters of the first name/
For each letter, the display shows the corresponding digit, for example a "6"
for the letter "n".
Use the #-key to enter spaces.
Press the corresponding digit key once for the first few letters of the surname/
first name.
Use the #-key to enter spaces.
Press the corresponding digit key once for the first few letters of the town’s
ABC Press the "ABC" Foxkey.
The phone searches for matching names.
You may have to enter another letter before the name you want or a list of
names is displayed.
Use the navigation key to scroll through the names until the name you are
looking for appears on the display.
To call the person displayed: Pick up the handset.
The person is called.
When searching in external phone books, you must always enter parts of the
first name, surname and town.