DMR100 User’s Guide V2.0
About This Guide
to the user’s guide to the MediaPOINTE
DMR100 digital videoconference media
This user’s guide describes how to set up and use the DMR100 to record and transport graphic video and
audio content over IP networks.
Reliability of Information
The information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable; however Advanced Media
Design, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in
this document, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from
its use. No license is granted under any patents or patent rights of Advanced Media Design, Inc.
This document was written by the Development Department of Advanced Media Design, Inc. We
are fully committed to and take pride in maintaining high quality documentation, so we welcome
and appreciate any comments or suggestions you may have regarding content, presentation,
structure and distribution of this document. Please use the contact information below for all
Development Department
Advanced Media Design, Inc.
667 Rancho Conejo Blvd.
Newbury Park, CA 91320
Service Support and Training
, Inc. is committed to providing the service support and training needed to install,
manage, and maintain you MediaPOINTE
products are sold through a wide network of Authorized MediaPOINTE
For help with your products, contact your local dealer for assistance first. If for any reason, you
would like to contact MediaPOINTE
directly for information regarding service programs and
extended warranty information, training, installation or usage, we are glad to be of assistance. You
can contact us at the phone number listed below, or visit our website.
Technical Support
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
(866) 709-0444