It is important to register your product warranty by logging onto www.askousa.com/customer-
care/registration and filling out all required fields within 90 days from the date of purchase. After
doing so, you will be e-mailed a certificate that will extend the original warranty for one additional
year. If you do not have access to the internet, complete the warranty card included with the
product and mail it to the address on the warranty card within 90 days of the date of purchase.
Cosmetic damage must be reported to your dealer within five days from the date of purchase.
After unpacking the washer, thoroughly check the unit for cosmetic damage.
AM Appliance Group will pay for:For residential installations only
ASKO replacement parts and/or repair labor to
correct defect in materials or workmanship.
Service must be provided by an authorized
ASKO service agent.
Length of warranty Two-Year Full
From date of purchase.
ASKO replacement parts and/or repair labor to
correct defect in materials or workmanship.
Service must be performed by an authorized
ASKO service agent.
Third Year Full
Complete your product warranty registration
online at www.askousa.com/customercare/reg-
istration within 90 days from the date of pur-
chase to extend the original warranty one addi-
tional year. If you do not have access to the in-
ternet, complete the warranty card included with
the product and mail it to the address on the
warranty card within 90 days of the date of pur-
ASKO replacement parts (labor cost not includ-
ed) for the stainless steel tank if it exhibits a
manufacturing defect such as cracking or rusting
through. Service must be provided by an autho-
rized ASKO service agent.
ASKO replacement parts and/or repair labor to
correct defect in materials or workmanship.
Service must be provided by an authorized
ASKO service agent.
For non-residential installations One-year Full
From date of purchase.
39Customer Care Center
Service and guarantee