The following is the detailed feature setup
In the IE browser or other browser, type "192.1681.1" into the login screen.
Enter you username and password, the default username is "admin", and the default
password is "admin".
After your successful login, you can see the interface as follows:
You can configure and manage the router. There are six main menus on the left of the
web pages. Submenus will be available after you click one of the main menus. The six
main menus are: Operation Mode,Internet Settings, Wireless Settings,Firewall,Storage,
Administration. To apply any settings you ha ve altered on the page, please click the
Apply button.
There are three buttons at the top of the menus, “open all”, “close all" and "Ralink".
Open all :open all the sub-menu.
Close all :close all the sub-menu.
Ralink :return to the login page.
Onthe right of the web page,you can see four setting button :Select
Language,Status,Statistic, Management
Select Language