NLLW – návod k obsluze a instalaci
Note 1. if you wish to keep the connection (extend the 34 seconds period) than the
customer will think over the other setting, so pressing e.g.. 6, 7, 0, ρ or # form time to
time will be sufficient and the guard immediately responds by error tone, but he will
extend the period to hanging up..
3.1 PC programming– program Lift SET
For setting of LLW by PC you need special cable KAB ( RS 232 port) and
Program Lift SET. The LLW must be connected to telephone line – powering.
- Connect the LLW to the line
- Connect the LLW with PC by KAB cable (if PC serial port absent, the USB-
COM reduction is to be used). The LLW will answer and LED light on the
front panel will light.
- Run the Lift SET program – the LLW will report the his conversion to PC
programming mode (see table 1 page14). After Liftset program being run
the LLW is in this mode – this status is indicated by LED light on front panel
by 1 second flashing. By loss of connection it is necessary to disconnect
the cable from LLW connect it again – the LLW will answer and if Liftset
program runs he will report his conversion to programming mode.