– if the led continues flashing, but at dif-
ferent intervals than normal, this means that
different attempts to break in have occurred.
Through the number of flashes it is possi-
ble to identify the type of attempt:
1 flash: one or more doors
2 flashes: tailgate
3 flashes: bonnet
4 flashes: ultrasounds
5 flashes: abnormal car lifting/slop-
ing (for versions/markets
where applicable)
6 flashes: tampering with car starting
7 flashes: tampering with battery ca-
bles or cutting emergency
key cables
8 flashes: connection line to sensors
and siren
9 flashes: at least three causes of
After switching on, the flashing of the de-
terrent led (A-fig. 7) on the dashboard in-
dicates the system surveillance mode. The
led flashes throughout this period.
IMPORTANT Operation of the electronic
alarm is adapted at the origin to the rules
of the different countries.
Self-diagnostic functions
and door, bonnet, boot control
If, after engaging the alarm, a second
“beep” is sounded, switch off the system
pressing the button (B-fig. 6), check that
the doors, bonnet and tailgate are properly
shut, then switch the system on again press-
ing the button (C). Otherwise, the door,
bonnet or tailgate that is not shut properly
will be excluded from the alarm system con-
If the doors, bonnet and boot are shut cor-
rectly and the control signal is repeated, the
system self-diagnostic has detected a sys-
tem operating fault. It is therefore necessary
to contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services.
To deactivate the alarm press the button (B-
fig. 6) of the key with remote control. The
system will react as follows (with the ex-
ception of certain markets):
– two brief flashes of the direction indi-
– two brief “beeps” of the system
– door unlocking.
IMPORTANT If when the system is
turned off the deterrent led (A-fig. 7) on
the dashboard stays on (maximum 2 min-
utes or until the ignition key is set to MAR)
the following should be borne in mind: