All written data here are obtained by TESTING with “pick and try” method (also known as right wire-wrong
wire, good-bad wire..) on my P4 and from reading all other data you can find here in pictures. All data written
here present my knowledge and my own belief so they can be wrong or insufficient. If you find any data that
you think is incorrect or wish to change it, adopt it or fulfill manual please let me know by sending me e-mail to
[email protected] .Nor me or any other person has any financial benefit from making/distributing this manual. I ‘m not and will be not hold responsible for any damage electric, mechanic or any other as result of following
this manual, installing and using 4x4 switch in your car. If you install switch you could damage: 4x4 control
unit, instrument panel, central console, electromagnetic coupling or any other electric/mechanic part of yours
car for which you and only you will be responsible. What I didn’t scare you well then go and make switch, if you want that is. You wouldn’t
believe how much I hate when they write disclaimer with so small font size. Stop reading this you’ll lose yours eyesight.