Controlled Document
Lighting Equipment Continued:
6.2 Rigging Equipment:
8x Prolyte Prolyfte PLE12012 1000Kg Hoist.
4x Channels of Motor Control and all necessary cable (Prolyft).
N.B: Please note that the below equipment does not come as standard but can be provided at a cost
(POA) and is subject to availability.
Touring Power and Distribution
7.0 125a 3P+N Outlet (Off-Stage Left)
The venue has a limited stock of distribution boxes to break this down into 63A and 32A 3P and 63A, 32A
and 16A SP. However this equipment does not come as standard but rather can be provided at a cost
(POA) and is subject to availability.
Lighting Systems & Equipment
(See lighting plan: Appendix 2)
7.1 ETC UNISON Architectural Lighting Control System:
4x presets for house and general stage lighting including:
• Walk In
• Presentation
• Q & A
• Cinema
(Limited manual control of house lights and general stage lighting).
7.2 ETC Congo Theatrical Lighting Control System:
ETC Congo lighting desk
ETC Congo Jr (networked back-up for main desk).
Remote Focusing Unit
Data Distribution via ACN (Ethernet) and ETC 2-Port Network Nodes
7.3 Dimming:
76x Channels of 3KW Dimming (ETC Matrix MII – sinewave and SCR)
12x Channels of 3KW Switching (ETC Matrix MII and ETC Sensor)
Control of Venue and Working Light Via DMX/EDMX (ETC Matrix and ETC Sensor)
7.4 Lanterns: (Stage)
3x Martin TW1 Tungsten Moving-Head Washes (1200W, CMY colour mixing, zoom, IGBT and Mechanical
3x ADB Warp Tungsten Moving-Head Profiles (800W, c/w scroller, zoom, iris and 4 fully rotatable shutters)
7.5 LED
8x JTE Pixelline Micro E (Backlighting for Upstage Scrim)
7.6 Generics
9x ETC S4 Profiles 19/26º (Over Balcony)
15x ETC S4 Par c/w Apollo Scrollers (Over-Head ‘Concert Wash’)
Balcony Level Booms (USL and USR):
7.7 Moving-Heads:
2x Martin TW1 Tungsten Moving-Head Washes
7.8 Generic Lanterns:
10x ETC S4 Profiles 19/26/36/50 º
2x ETC S4 Profiles 50º c/w Ocean Optics Seachanger