A - 3
419 West Pike Street
P.O. Box 629
Jackson Center, OH 45334-0629
Tele: 937-596-6111
Fax: 937-596-6539
E-mail: www.airstream.com
The Airstream Limited Warranty is detailed on a Warranty Card. It is filled out by
the dealer and presented to the owner during delivery of a new unit. The Limited
Warranty must be presented to a dealer to obtain warranty service. It should be kept
in the trailer during the warranty period.
Normal Wear
Items such as tires, curtains, upholstery, floor coverings, window, door and vent seals
will show wear or may even wear out within the one year warranty period depending
upon the amount of usage, weather, and atmospheric conditions.
We strongly urge our dealers and customers to inspect the trailer upon receipt of
delivery for any damage caused by accident while being delivered to the dealer, or
while it is on the dealer’s lot. Damage of this nature becomes the dealer or custom-
er’s responsibility upon acceptance of delivery, unless Airstream is notified and the
person making the delivery verifies the damage. Glass breakage, whether obviously
struck or mysterious, is always accidental and covered by most insurance policies.
Lack of customer care and/or improper maintenance will result in early failure for
which Airstream cannot be held responsible.
Not unlike a car, the steel parts of a trailer can and will rust if subjected to prolonged
exposure to moisture, salt air, or corrosive air-borne pollutants without repaint-
ing. Aluminum oxidizes when unprotected under similar conditions, and refinery
chemicals of a sulfurous nature are harmful to finishes if not washed off periodically.
Extremely hot or direct sunlight will deteriorate rubber and fade curtains and uphol-
stery. Conditions of this nature, although they may be normal for the area, are beyond
Airstream’s control and become the responsibility of the owner.
It is the responsibility of the owner to take such preventative measures as are neces-
sary to maintain the exterior caulking and sealer of your unit. It is the responsibility of
the owner to use reasonable, prudent care to prevent foreseeable secondary damage
from rain, plumbing leaks, and the natural accumulation of moisture in your unit, such
as a delaminated floor; stained upholstery, carpeting, or drapes; mold formation and
growth; furniture damage, etc. Mold is a natural growth given certain environmental
conditions and is not covered by the terms of the Limited Warranty.
Damage due to loading, either beyond capacity or to cause improper towing
because of improper balance, is beyond Airstream’s responsibility. The Airstream
trailer is engineered to properly handle the gross vehicle load rating on the certifica-
tion label. Load distribution has a definite effect upon the towing characteristics
and attitudes of the trailer. Level hitch installations are a necessity, and very
important on a tandem axle trailer. There are limits to the amount of load that can
be safely transported depending upon speed and road conditions, and reasonable