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Paint and appearance items that show imperfections, damage to interior and
exterior surfaces resulting from abrasion, collision or impact, and broken win-
dow glass is not covered by the Airstream Limited Warranty and should be
brought to the attention of your Airstream dealer at the time of delivery and
during pre-delivery inspection.
Overload Damage due to loading beyond capacity or to cause improper bal-
ance is not covered by the Airstream Limited Warranty. The Airstream motor-
home is engineered to properly handle any normal load. There are limits to the
amount of load that can be safely transported depending upon speed and road
conditions. If these limits have been exceeded, the Airstream Limited Warranty
will not cover resulting damage. For additional information on the load capacity
of your motorhome, consult your Sprinter and Airstream Owner’s Manuals or
gross vehicle weight rating plate.
Chemical Gassing
Chemical gassing is not a “Defect” in your recreational vehicle and is not
covered by the Limited Warranty. Please follow the recommendations in this
manual Introduction section to address this concern.
Sprinter Van
Airstream, Inc., does not accept any responsibility in connection with any of its
motorhomes for the Sprinter Van or its components. The Sprinter Van and its
components are covered by Sprinter Warranties as explained by Sprinter litera-
ture provided with each motorhome. Your Sprinter Van and its components are
pre-checked by its manufacturer before delivery to Airstream. All service to the
Sprinter Van and its components must be performed by Sprinter designated
service points according to the manufacturer’s warranty and service policies.
Sprinter Literature is supplied with each Airstream motorhome. The literature
gives important information concerning its warranty coverage, maintenance,
and operation.
Warning: Your Sprinter Van Operator’s and Warranty Manuals
contain important cautions, warnings, operational, and warranty informa-
tion on the Sprinter and its components. All information in the Sprinter
manual should be reviewed and followed for your safety.
The Airstream Interstate Owner’s Manual may provide addition information and
tips on the use of the Van as a motorhome, however, no information, in whole