Chapter 15. Appendices
3. Messages stored in sequencer
■ Channel Voice Message
The following channel voice messages on the MIDI channel number specified by the system
parameter “SYSTEM/UTILITY/MIDI” setting “Pads Channel” are stored.
● Note On/Off
Status Second Third
9nH mmH llH
n = MIDI Channel Number: 00H - 0FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
mm = Note Number: 23H - 33H (35 - 51) / 23H(35), 3CH - 48H (60 - 72)
ll = Velocity: 01H - 7FH (1 - 127) / 00H = NOTE OFF
For Pad Banks (#1-12, #17-32), note numbers 23H-33H (35-51) are stored.
Pad Number
Note Number
Pad EXT 35 (23H) ---
Pad 1 36 (24H) GS TONE KICK 1
Pad 3 38 (26H) GS TONE SNARE 1
Pad 4 39 (27H) GS TONE HAND CLAP
Pad 5 40 (28H) GS TONE SNARE 2
Pad 6 41 (29H) GS TONE LOW TOM 2
Pad 8 43 (2BH) GS TONE LOW TOM 1
Pad 10 45 (2DH) GS TONE MID TOM 2
Pad 11 46 (2EH) GS TONE OPEN HH
Pad 12 47 (2FH) GS TONE MID TOM 1
Pad 13 48 (30H) GS TONE HI TOM 2
Pad 14 49 (31H) GS TONE CYMBAL
Pad 15 50 (32H) GS TONE HI TOM 1
Pad 16 51 (33H) GS TONE Ride Cymbal 1
If the Pad Bank is the PITCH BANK (#15, 16), note numbers 23H (35) and 3CH-48H (60-72)
are stored.
Pad Number
Note Number
Pad EXT 35 (23H)
Pad 1 -- (--H)
Pad 2 61 (3DH)
Pad 3 63 (3FH)
Pad 4 -- (--H)
Pad 5 66 (42H)
Pad 6 68 (44H)
Pad 7 70 (46H)
Pad 8 -- (--H)
Pad 9 60 (3CH)
Pad 10 62 (2EH)
Pad 11 64 (40H)
Pad 12 65 (41H)
Pad 13 67 (43H)
Pad 14 69 (45H)
Pad 15 71 (47H)
Pad 16 72 (48H)
● Program Change
Pad Bank changes are stored.
Status Second
CnH ppH
n = MIDI Channel Number: 00H - 0FH (ch.1 - ch.16)
pp = Program Number: 00H - 1FH (pad bank 1 -12, 15 - 32)
* The SP-505s sequencer stores performance data as packages consisting of Note On/Off
data and Program Change data. It is not possible to store Program Change data by itself.'
4. Supplementary material
● Decimal/Hexadecimal table
(hexadecimal values are indicated by a following H)
MIDI uses 7-bit hexadecimal values to indicate data values and the address and size of
exclusive messages. The following table shows the correspondence between decimal and
hexadecimal numbers.
| D | H || D | H || D | H || D | H |
| 0 | 00H || 32 | 20H || 64 | 40H || 96 | 60H |
| 1 | 01H || 33 | 21H || 65 | 41H || 97 | 61H |
| 2 | 02H || 34 | 22H || 66 | 42H || 98 | 62H |
| 3 | 03H || 35 | 23H || 67 | 43H || 99 | 63H |
| 4 | 04H || 36 | 24H || 68 | 44H || 100 | 64H |
| 5 | 05H || 37 | 25H || 69 | 45H || 101 | 65H |
| 6 | 06H || 38 | 26H || 70 | 46H || 102 | 66H |
| 7 | 07H || 39 | 27H || 71 | 47H || 103 | 67H |
| 8 | 08H || 40 | 28H || 72 | 48H || 104 | 68H |
| 9 | 09H || 41 | 29H || 73 | 49H || 105 | 69H |
| 10 | 0AH || 42 | 2AH || 74 | 4AH || 106 | 6AH |
| 11 | 0BH || 43 | 2BH || 75 | 4BH || 107 | 6BH |
| 12 | 0CH || 44 | 2CH || 76 | 4CH || 108 | 6CH |
| 13 | 0DH || 45 | 2DH || 77 | 4DH || 109 | 6DH |
| 14 | 0EH || 46 | 2EH || 78 | 4EH || 110 | 6EH |
| 15 | 0FH || 47 | 2FH || 79 | 4FH || 111 | 6FH |
| 16 | 10H || 48 | 30H || 80 | 50H || 112 | 70H |
| 17 | 11H || 49 | 31H || 81 | 51H || 113 | 71H |
| 18 | 12H || 50 | 32H || 82 | 52H || 114 | 72H |
| 19 | 13H || 51 | 33H || 83 | 53H || 115 | 73H |
| 20 | 14H || 52 | 34H || 84 | 54H || 116 | 74H |
| 21 | 15H || 53 | 35H || 85 | 55H || 117 | 75H |
| 22 | 16H || 54 | 36H || 86 | 56H || 118 | 76H |
| 23 | 17H || 55 | 37H || 87 | 57H || 119 | 77H |
| 24 | 18H || 56 | 38H || 88 | 58H || 120 | 78H |
| 25 | 19H || 57 | 39H || 89 | 59H || 121 | 79H |
| 26 | 1AH || 58 | 3AH || 90 | 5AH || 122 | 7AH |
| 27 | 1BH || 59 | 3BH || 91 | 5BH || 123 | 7BH |
| 28 | 1CH || 60 | 3CH || 92 | 5CH || 124 | 7CH |
| 29 | 1DH || 61 | 3DH || 93 | 5DH || 125 | 7DH |
| 30 | 1EH || 62 | 3EH || 94 | 5EH || 126 | 7EH |
| 31 | 1FH || 63 | 3FH || 95 | 5FH || 127 | 7FH |
D: decimal
H: hexadecimal
* Decimal expressions such as used for MIDI channel, Bank Select, and Program Change
will be the value 1 greater than the decimal value given in the above table.
* Since each MIDI byte carries 7 significant data bits, each byte can express a maximum of
128 different values. Data for which higher resolution is required must be transmitted
using two or more bytes. For example a value indicated as a two-byte value of aa bbH
would have a value of aa x 128 + bb.
* For a signed number (+/-), 00H = -64, 40H = +/-0, and 7FH = +63. I.e., the decimal
equivalent will be 64 less than the decimal value given in the above table. For a two-byte
signed number, 00 00H = -8192, 40 00H = +/-0, and 7F 7FH = +8191. For example the
decimal expression of aa bbH would be aa bbH - 40 00H = (aa x 128 + bb - 64 x 128.
* Hexadecimal notation in two 4-bit units is used for data indicated as nibbled The nibbled
two-byte value of 0a 0b H would be a x 16 + b.
What is the decimal equivalent of 5AH?
From the above table, 5AH = 90.
What is the decimal equivalent of the 7-bit hexadecimal values 12 34H?
From the above table, 12H = 18 and 34H = 52
Thus, 18 x 128 + 52 = 2356
What is the decimal equivalent of the nibbled expression 0A 03 09 0DH?
From the above table, 0AH = 10, 03H = 3, 09H = 9, 0DH = 13
Thus, the result is ((10 x 16 + 3) x 16 + 9) x 16 + 13 = 41885
What is the nibbled equivalent of the decimal number 1258?
16 )1258
16 ) 78...10
16 ) 4...14
0... 4
From the above table, 0=00H, 4=04H, 14=0EH, 10=0AH
Thus the result is 00 04 0E 0AH