SERIAL-BT-ADP Getting Started Instructions
4 100-40000-032-01-201203b
Once the SERIAL-BT-ADP devices have been successfully paired, set Switch 2
(Automatic Discovery) to off to prevent them from inadvertently pairing with any other
Bluetooth devices within range.
57600 Baud Rate Switch Settings
This is the default baud rate for the Jaz spectrometer. Reset the Jaz baud rate to 115200 baud using the Jaz
Serial Bus menu as described in the Jaz Installation and Operation Manual
, then set the SERIAL-BT-
ADP switches for 115200 baud as shown above.
For More Information on the SERIAL-BT-ADP
Further instructions for setting up your SERIAL-BT-ADP device are contained in the Bluetooth Serial
Adapter User Manual (RN-BT-SRL-UM) available here:
For More Information on Other Ocean Optics Products
You can access complete documentation for other Ocean Optics products on the Software and Technical
Resources CD or by visiting our website at http://www.oceanoptics.com
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Please feel free to call Ocean Optics Technical Support at (727) 733-2447 for help or more information.