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Embedded OS Introduction
and Driver Support
Support Versatile Operation Systems
Advantech’s Embedded Automation Computers not only supports the popular Windows
operating system, but also provides embedded operating system solutions offering a
pre-configured image with optimized onboard device drivers. Advantech's Embedded
Automation Computers provides the following most popular embedded operating systems:
Windows CE 5.0
Windows CE 6.0 R2
Windows XP Embedded
Windows Embedded Standard (WES)
Advantech Embedded Linux
These operating systems fulfill the toughest requirements of complete functionality, high
reliability, minimized cost and low power consumption. These Embedded Automation
Computers quickly prove themselves to be an application-ready platform that saves time
and energy in launching projects.
Real-Time Windows CE Meets Time-critical Demands
Windows CE, published by Microsoft, is a robust, compact and highly efficient real-time
operating system that quickly satisfies any customized high-performance embedded
applications. It also provides enterprise-scale protection with demanding network security
mechanisms, including Kerberos Security Protocol, Extensible Authentication Protocol,
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and so on. Furthermore, Windows CE supports the latest
stack network standard, IPv6 that provides more IP addresses than the previous standard,
IPv4. Windows CE possesses robust core OS services and complete networking services
to offer users an ideal embedded development platform.
WinCE Powered by Wonderware Offers Flexible HMI
WinCE 6.0 R2 version for UNO-Series meets Wonderware’s HMI Software’s system
requirement. With the HMI software support, these computers can work as HMI or control
nodes. With the provided VESA mounting kit they can be integrated with panel monitors,
such as FPM series. With support for touchscreen controllers under WinCE, users can
operate the systems through touch. Without the monitor, they can also be a control node
for programmed control logic.
WES Provides Applications Compatible to Windows XP
Windows Embedded Standard (WES) is a new name of WinXPe which is a componentized
version of Windows XP Professional. It is based on Windows XP Professional binaries
and features the latest multimedia (Windows Media Player 11, DirectX 9.0c), browsing
(Internet Explorer 7.0) technologies, security, Remote Desktop Protocol 6.0 and File
Based Write Filter (EWF). You can seamlessly integrate specific applications into WES
with minimum effort.
Open Source Embedded Linux Offers a Cost-effective Alternative
Embedded Linux is a famous, UNIX compatible, open source embedded operating system
which ports the Linux kernel to a specific CPU and board installed into the embedded
device. Advantech offers Embedded Linux installation CD for UNO-Series products and
supports Fedora Core 8 and RedHat 9.0 kernels. In the Embedded Linux, it features
read-only file system, real-time kernel, on-line update, X Windows, browsing (Dillo),
PDF viewer (XPDF), FTP (GFTP), IPv6 and software management (RedHat Package
Manager) in 128MB image size.
Driver Packages Provided for QNX and Popular Linux Distributions
Customers can install QNX and standard Linux distributions on UNO-Series Embedded
Automation Computers and Advantech provides drivers for the following self-design
hardware or IO:
Serial COM ports with Oxford UART
CAN port
Watchdog Timer
Battery-backup SRAM
Digital IO ports
Following distributions and versions listed are the environments which the related binary
drivers are available for quick installation:
QNX 6.3.2, 6.4.1
Debian 3.1r0, 4.0, 5.0
Fedora Core 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Mandrake 10.1
Mandriva 2006, 2008
opensuse 10.3
Redhat 9
RHEL 4, 5
SuSE 9.2, 9.3, 10.1, 10.3
Ubuntu 6.06, 8.04, 8.04.3
If your distribution is not on the list, please contact us for further assistance.
Standard Windows Support up to Windows 7
Advantech's Embedded Automation Computer provide necessary drivers on the
companion DVD for user to install popular Windows operating systems, such as Window
2000, Windows XP Pro, even the latest Windows 7. For the self-design hardware or IO,
Advantech provides the WDM (Windows Driver Model) drivers which is the standard
driver architecture of Windows. WDM drivers would work on the other new Windows
system as long as WDM is supported.
Software Drivers & Utilities
Advantech’s Embedded Automation Computers provide more value to automation users.
By accumulating year’s field-experience and collecting customer’s feedback, we had
developed several convenient and high-efficient driver/utility which would highly facilitate
user to manage the Embedded Automation Computers product.
DiagAnywhere for Cluster Management
User usually needs to manage a cluster of UNO-Series units on the field site. Advantech
DiagAnywhere provides the following functions for user to manage them easily:
Remote monitoring, control, shutdown and wakeup
Screen capture and recording
File transferring
Every UNO-Series’ Windows-based embedded system, such as WinCE, WES and WinXPe
comes bundled with DiagAnywhere. Users only need one client-end utility installed on the
PC or laptop then they can do the remote monitor and diagnosis easily.
Battery-Backup SRAM, Useful Buffer for Controller Application
In some controlling applications, users need quick and reliable buffers for data transferring.
UNO-Series products provide the SRAM which is backed-up by the onboard battery.
With the driver support, users can use SRAM easily just like a local drive. It can also be
used as a quick buffer, not only with high read/write efficiency, but it also can reduce the
accessing frequency of CompactFlash.
EWF/FBWF Utility Protects the System
In the provided WES and WinXPe image of UNO-Series, we provide a friendly utility which
has clear interface to guide the user active/inactive the EWF (Enhanced Write Filter) and
FBWF (File-Based Write Filter) functions step by step. EWF and FBWF are the features
provided by Microsoft. They are used to protect the WES or WinXPe from damage.
While these functions are active, the specified drive or folder would never been written,
and everything would back to the original configuration after reboot. Empowered by the
provided utility, user can utilizes the EWF/FBWF easily.
System Utilities for Status-Monitoring and Availability
User in industrial field usually has the requirement to monitor the system status. UNO-
Series provides the LMsensor driver/utility for user to monitor the system parameters,
such like the Temperature of CPU/Board and Voltage of system power source. Also,
we provide the WDT (Watchdog Timer) driver/utility to increase the availability of the
system. WDT would reset the system or send alarm while the system is stuck on some
accident event. For both function, LMsensor and WDT, we also provide the APIs for user
to integrate into his application.
Enhanced COM Port Driver Meets the Industrial Requirements
In the WinCE of UNO-Series, we developed enhanced COM port driver which has times
efficiency than standard driver. It can not only increase the communication efficiency but
also reduce the CPU loading. Another, the WDM driver of COM port with Oxford UART
would support the function of any-baud-rate. Which means it can support any baud
rate user want for some specific application and keep user from the trouble of data loss