AdvLinux for i486SX Manual
Note: For more excellent performance, build a swap partition if the disk space is
sufficient. The space of this partition should be the same with memory or better
twice the memory space. The user will be alarmed if the swap partition is not created.
If auto partition is selected, the default function will not build a swap partition.
Delete a partition: Press “Delete” button on the main window to delete partitions. If
a partition is deleted mistakenly, press “Reset” button to recover.
Edit a partition: Edit the current partition parameters.
Select the partition to install the system and press <OK> to continue the installation.
The Partitioning Warnings window will pop up as shown below.
Picture 1.6 Partitioning Warning
This warning is a routine when you have not specified a swap partition. If the user
makes sure the partitioning is right, press “Yes” button to continue the installation.
Step 4: Select the installation mode as shown below.
Picture 1.7 Installation mode selection interface