illustration). Many clients connected via unicast to a stream in a local
network can result in heavy network traffic.
The multicast was therefore used in MP3 broadcasting.
The following figure presents the sequence diagram of the DSS playlist
Login to DSS
result reply
Identify user
Edit the play list
result reply
Broadcast play List
result reply
MP3 broadcasting
Figure 38. DSS Playlist Control
Login to DSS:
User needs a name and password to login to DSS admin web page via
browser first, the name and password is obtained from DSS installation.
After login success, the user can use the functions of DSS admin.
Edit the Playlist:
DSS admin provided user to edit his own playlists, the admin functions
is easy to use, user can create or delete a playlist or add and delete an music
in palylist.
Broadcast Playlist:
Click the play button with the playlist, then the broadcast service would
The MP3 broadcast is in service after the above step. Tell client users to
connect the broadcast music, the broadcast music would then play on their
client device. The following figure shows a client device PDA to connect to