Reset channel w x
Increase volume on channel 3 d
Decrease volume on channel e c
Increase speed on channel 4 f
Decrease speed on channel r v
Sticky mode On/Random/Off 5 g
Preview channel t b
Random Track u m
The above liveice.cfg is for mixermode. To use LiveIce in audio mode change the line relating to MIXER to
NOMIXER and set NO_SOUNDCARD to SOUNDCARD and restart LiveIce.
Forgetting to set the correct options will lead to some interesting warning ;)
946:Error: Line In mode *and* no soundcard??????? Eeejit!
Once you have it all correctly set up and have plugged in an external source, you should be able to stream =:)
[dj@megajukebox liveice]$ ./liveice
Initialising Soundcard
16Bit 22050Hz Stereo Full Duplex
opening connection to megajukebox 8000
Attempting to Contact Server
connection successful: forking process
opening pipe!...
writing password
Setting up Interface
Soundcard Reopened For Encoding
Input Format: 16Bit 22050Hz Stereo
Output Format: 32000 Bps Mpeg Audio
IceCast Server: megajukebox:8000
Mountpoint: /daves_band_live_at_the_club
Name: megajukebox − Dave and the Dynamite − Live at the Roxy
Genre: Live/Rock
Url: http://megajukebox
Description: megajukebox::Louder than a frog in a trashcan..... and almost as musical
Press '+' to Finish
Lvl: L: 8704 R: 11776
The last line is a signal level meter, if the input signal is too high you will get a *clip* warning. If you do,
turn down the gain of the input source.
The keen eyed amongst you may of noticed that in liveice.cfg the first comment lines point out that the file is
automatically generated. If you are using the TK based GUI liveiceconfigure.tk and you've made manual
changes, you will lose them when you save. Either use the GUI or learn vi/emacs :)
The Linux MP3−HOWTO
LiveIce 26