System Release 6.1 cPCI for Windows Release Guide — May 2006 12
These features are new since System Release 6.0 cPCI Feature Pack 1 for Windows.
Note that the DM/V-B boards support all the same features as the DM/V-A boards
Supports a variety of features at different channel densities depending on the media load
selected. Refer to the DM3 Configuration Guide for more information about media loads
and the board support.
• Supports media load ML10b, which provides 60 channels of basic voice and 180
channels of rich conferencing for BGM (background music) applications (on
DMV1200BTEC only).
• Supports media load ML QSB-U2, which provides 120 channels of basic voice +
120 rich conferencing + 12 fax (on DMV1200BTEC only).
• Supports universal media loads (UL1, UL3 and UL4), which provide simultaneous
voice + speech + fax + conferencing.
• Supports media load ML1B, which provides up to 480 channels of voice +
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) for SMS.
• Supports media load ML2C, which provides enhanced voice features, including
up to 240 channels of transaction record, as well as enhanced echo cancellation
and CSP streaming to CT bus.
• Supports media load ML9b, which provides rich conferencing (conferencing plus
echo cancellation and Tone clamping).
• Supports media load ML9c, which provides conferencing only (no echo
cancellation or Tone clamping).
• Supports media load ML 9D, which provides 352 channels of conferencing with
Tone clamping and DTMF but no echo cancellation.
• Supports media load ML10C, which provides 120 channels of basic voice and
360 channels of basic conferencing (no echo cancellation or tone clamping),
which is ideal for background music.
Software selectable T1/E1 (per network interface)
Ability to mix T1 and E1 on a board. Refer to the DM3 Configuration Guide (on
DMV1200BTEC and DMV600BTEC).
Support for mixed ISDN, CAS and Clear Channel on trunk by trunk basis
Refer to the DM3 Configuration Guide for more information (on DMV1200BTEC and
and DMV600BTEC).
ISDN network-side E1 and T1 protocol support
Support for ISDN network-side protocols in accordance with ITU specifications (on
DMV1200BTEC and DMV600BTEC). Refer to the Global Call ISDN Technology
Guide for more information.
Trunk preconditioning
The ability to send an alarm state to the network at all times from powerup to
application startup. Refer to the DM3 Configuration Guide for more information.
Ability to combine protocols on the same board
Protocols within a group can be mixed on the same board (on DMV1200BTEC and
and DMV600BTEC); however, protocols from different groups cannot be mixed on the
same board. Refer to the DM3 Configuration Guide for more information.