Copyright © 2009-2010 American Custom Golf Cars, Inc. Page 2
15740 El Prado Rd.
Chino, CA 91710 USA
(909) 597-2885
(909) 597-7183 fax
Copyright © 2009-2010 American Custom Golf Cars, Inc.
American Custom Golf Cars, Inc., ACG and California Roadster
Are registered trademarks of American Custom Golf Cars, Inc.
The American Custom Golf Cars, Inc., herein known as ACG, “Limited Warranty”
for owners of the California Roadster is included with this manual.
No other warranties, expressed or implied, are contained herein.
ACG and your authorized representative checked this vehicle before it was
delivered to you.
This vehicle does NOT conform to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard FMVSS #500 for
LSV (low-speed vehicles), and is NOT equipped for operation on public streets and roads.
California Roadster eGC does conform to the current American National Standards
Institute’s Z130 Safety and Performance Requirements for Golf Cars, as of date of
manufacture as shown on the vehicle’s “Certification Label”.
ACG is not liable for any additional requirements or modifications that your individual state
may require.
ACG is not liable of errors in this manual or for incidental or consequential damages that
result from the use of the material in this manual. The information contained in this
document including the warranty information contained in separate “Warranty” document is
subject to change without notice.
ACG reserves the right to make design and equipment changes to vehicles without
obligation to make these changes on units sold prior to the changes being made.
Throughout this “Owner’s Manual”, the words “golf cart”, “eGC” and “vehicle” are used