English CG Times (standard, bold, italic and bold italic) 850 04 125
x x
English Univers (standard, bold, italic and bold italic) 850 05 125
x x
Cyrillic CG Times, Univers (CG Times standard, Univers bold) 866 08 125
x x
East European CG Times, Univers (CG Times standard, Univers medium) 852 09 125
x x
WGLA / Pan European Swiss 721 (automatically included in “E” power cord configuration) Unicode 0E N/C
x x
Unicode Andale Mono Japanese Unicode 0L 200
Unicode Andale Mono Korean Unicode 0M 200
Unicode Andale Mono Simplified Chinese Unicode 0N 200
Unicode Andale Mono Traditional Chinese Unicode 0P 200
Simplified Chinese SimSun GB 18030 0Q 200
Japanese HGP Gothic B™ (standard, 203 dpi) 932 18 50
x x
Korean HY Gothic Hangul™ (standard, 203 dpi) 947 19 50
x x
Traditional Chinese Monotype Kai™ (standard, 203 dpi) 950 20 50
x x
Simplified Chinese Monotype Sung™ (standard, 203 dpi) GB2312-80 21 50
x x
Japanese HGP Gothic B (standard, 300dpi) 932 24 50
x x
Korean HY Gothic Hangul (standard, 300dpi) 947 25 50
x x
Traditional Chinese Monotype Kai (standard, 300 dpi) 950 26 50
x x
Simplified Chinese Monotype Sung (standard, 300dpi) GB2312-80 27 50
x x
Series & RPAX Price List (UHF & HF)
Zebra North America, Latin America & Asia Pacific
Prices are in U.S. Dollars. EXW Vernon Hills, IL USA.
Minimum billing for orders is $50.00 per shipment per location.
Zebra®, ZPL II® and BAR-ONE® are Registered Trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation. XiIIIPlus™,110XiIIIPlus™, 140XiIIIPlus™, 170XiIIIPlus™,
220XiIIIPlus™, 105SL™, Z4Mplus™, Z4Mplus™, S4M™, Platinum™, ProPlus™, and ZebraNet™ are Trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation. IBM® is a
Registered Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Centronics® is a Registered Trademark of Genicom Corporation. Windows™ is a
Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. CG Triumvirate™, CG Palacio™, CG Times™, CG Century Schoolbook™ are Trademarks of Agfa Division, Miles Inc. CG
Futura™ is a Trademark of Fundicion Tipografica Neufville, S.A. Univers® is a Registered Trademark of Linotype AG. Monotype Times New Roman™, Monotype
Mincho™, Monotype Kai™, Monotype Sung™, are Trademarks of Monotype Typography, Ltd. HGP Gothic B™ is a Trademark of Ricoh Company, Ltd. HY Gothic
Hangul™ is a Trademark of Hanyang Systems Inc.
RXi Series & RPAX Factory Installed Fonts in Flash Memory
R110Xi (R12), R110Xi (H12), R170Xi (R72) use the 203 dpi fonts; R110Xi (R13), R170Xi (R70), R110Xi (H13)
use the 300 dpi fonts
Scaleable Fonts only available with On-Board 64MB Flash Memory
Rev 8 - Effective July 1, 2010
Zebra Technologies International, LLC
475 Half Day Road
Lincolnshire, IL 60069