Xerox 490/980 Color Continuous Feed Printing System Hints and Tips
Hints and Tips User Guide 1-15
Printer Manager/
Consumables/Kit B
(Black) Replace
Re-number to step 6 Same change for
all Kit B colors.
Printer Manager/
Consumables/Kit B
(Black) Replace
8. Hold the Cleaner
Blade Knob (d) with
your left hand, pull it
slightly frontward, and
remove the knob.
Re-number to step 7 and
re-write as follows:
7. Pull the Cleaner Bade
Knob (d) slightly forward
and remove.
Same change for
all Kit B colors.
Printer Manager/
Consumables/Kit B
(Black) Replace
9. Wrap up the Cleaner
Blade with the collector
bag (f). Pull out the bag
to take out the Cleaner
Blade into the bag.
Re-number to step 8 and
re-write as follows:
8. Insert the Cleaner
Blade into the collector
bag (f). Pull out the bag
removing the Cleaner
Same change for
all Kit B colors.
Printer Manager/
Consumables/Kit B
(Black) Replace
10. Attach the knob to
the new Cleaner Blade
(b), insert it along the
guide, and tighten the
thumb nut.
Re-number to Step 9 and
re-write as follows:
9. Attach the knob to the
new Cleaner Blade (b) by
inserting along the guide
and tighten the thumb
Same changes for
all Kit B colors
Printer Manager/
Consumables/Kit B
(Black) Replace
, then cover Re-number to step 10
and change:
Same change for
all Kit B colors
Printer Manager/
Roller Cleaner (Black)
1: Open the printer 1
top cover.
Delete “1”
1. Open the printer top
Printer Manager/
Roller Cleaner (Black)
3: Holding the knobs (b),
slightly move the
Transfer Roller Cleaner
frontward (1), and then
lift it up (2).
Step 3: Holding the
handles (b), slightly
move the Transfer Roller
Cleaner forward (1), and
lift up (2).
Same change for
all Transfer Roller
Cleaner colors.
Printer Manager/
Roller Cleaner (Black)
5. Holding the knobs (b)
on the new Transfer
Roller Cleaner, install it
on the machine (1), (2).
Step 5: Holding the
handles (b), install the
new Transfer Roller
Cleaner in the machine
(1) and push toward the
rear of the machine (2).
Add a line space, and
add a caution symbol
for the following
statement: Be careful
not to touch damage the
guide roller on the new
Transfer Roller Cleaner.
Same change for
all Transfer Roller
Cleaner colors.
Software Info
Remove LCDS
Path from Main Menu Present Required Change Comments