Xerox 6204/6050 Customer Release Notes 9
Printing with HDI driver for AutoCAD2006 and 2007
• 6050 / 6030 Wide Format – Ver.3.x does not support Color RTL.
• When using Color RTL data, free disk space is required to print color data properly.
• It is required to update controller version to print ISO-B size properly.
Printing with BT-PlotAssistant V3.4.2.0
• When printing TIFF files generated by using ‘Print to file’ function of TIFF driver, it is
recommended not to add PJL to the data, as BT-PlotAssistant does not support print data
with PJL. In order not to add PJL to the data, perform the following settings from
Windows desktop.
>Select [Start] -> [Settings] -> [Printers], and select the corresponding printer in the Printer
folder. Open Properties, and set [Off] for [Job parameter setting] in [Default Settings] tab.
The above procedures will ensure that the job settings defined by BT-PlotAssistant will be
reflected correctly.
• When printing data stored in removable media (MO, CD-ROM, etc) or in network drive,
the data is temporarily copied to the HDD. Therefore, free disk space corresponding to
the data size is required.
6204 Wide Format Network TWAIN V1.0.3.0
Using multiple Wide Format Network TWAIN Source simultaneously
It is not possible to use two or more Wide Format Network TWAIN source
simultaneously on the same computer.
• Software that cannot be used simultaneously
• It is not possible to use the following software simultaneously with Wide Format Network
TWAIN source on the same computer.
• Wide Format Scan Service (Xerox Corporation)
• (It is possible to use Wide Format Scan Service Viewer simultaneously with this driver)
• Scanner in power save mode
A scanner in power save mode is not displayed on the [Select Scanner] screen of this
driver. In this case, enter the IP address of the scanner and click [Next], or cancel the
power saver of the scanner and click [Search again] of [Select Scanner] screen
• Deletion of document in the mailbox
The document in the mailbox is deleted after the computer retrieves the last page of the
document if the mailbox setting for [Delete/Save Doc.] is specified as [ON]. If any of the
followings happened to the computer right after the device deletes the document by
above setting, the document may be deleted without being retrieved by the computer.
- Error occurs while computer decompressing the data
- Press [Cancel] button of the driver
- Reboot the computer
- Temporary file storage space is insufficient
In this case, it may not be possible to retrieve the document again.