Personal alarm functionality 113
Monitoring LED
The monitoring LED visually indicates the following PNG operating states:
Language support in Additional Features menu
The Additional Features menu is only available in German and English.
If you choose a language other than German when setting the language, the dis-
play output in the Additional Features menu will be in English.
Alarm types (overview)
Monitoring Off: continuously off
Monitoring On: flashing, 50 ms on/1000 ms off
Prealarm Active: flashing, 500 ms on/500 ms off
Alarm: continuously on
Technical Warning: continuously on
Automatic Alarm Off: flashing, 500 ms on/2000 ms off
Alarm Type Explanation
Manual personal alarm Triggered by pressing the red alarm key on the
Automatic personal alarm Triggered independently by the handset after a
specific time if a defined event occurs and the pre
alarm (see below) was not confirmed by the person
in question:
• Person no longer moving (Non Movement)
• Person falls (Man Down Alarm)
• Person does not respond to the prealarm which
is signalled if there is no input on the handset for
a configurable period (Time Alarm)
• Person loses the handset (Pull Cord Alarm; with
pull cord)
• Person is moving frantically (Escape Alarm)
The particular alarms that are activated on your
handset depend on your handset's PNG configura-
tion. Response times, prealarm times and acoustic
alarm signals can likewise be set on the handset.
The settings must be performed before the hand-
set is commissioned initially.
Technical warning If a technical fault occurs on the handset, for exam-
ple low battery charge, you will hear an error tone.
Prealarm The prealarm sounds before an automatic person-
al alarm. If the prealarm is confirmed within a cer-
tain time by the user, the automatic personal alarm
is not triggered.