Step 2: Associate the ZCs
The second step in configuring the ZCs is to associate each ZC. In other words, you need to
select which input or output is actually being controlled by each ZC. Therefore, you only need
to associate volume controllers and source selection controllers; page steering controllers, the
ZC-FIRE, and scene selection controllers do not require you to perform this step.
There are two pages in the ZonePRO Designer
Configuration Wizard where you associate the
Zone Controllers. The first page is the Source
ZC Association page. This page simply allows
you to associate volume controllers to inputs
for controlling input gain. If you wanted to
control the volume of a karaoke microphone
for example, this is the page where you
would associate a ZC volume controller to
control the input gain of the karaoke mic.
When controlling input gain, keep in mind that since the gain is performed on the input
side of the signal chain, all output zones which the input is routed to will be affected by the
gain changes.
The Routing and Zone ZC Association page
allows you to associate output zone volume
controllers and source selection controllers
(this defines which controllers control which
zones). The Source column on the left is
where the source selection ZCs, such as the
ZC-3, are associated. The Level column on
the right is where all output zone volume
controllers are associated, such as the ZC-1.
Please see ZonePRO Designer’s help section for further information on these windows.
Section 4
Zone Controllers