Vehicle Information 243
Displaying Vehicle Information and Programming Vehicle System Functions
* Results of unit conversions may include rounding errors.
+ Addition operator Perform addition
– Subtraction operator Perform subtraction
÷ Division operator Perform division
× Multiplication opera-
Perform multiplication
MR Memory recall Retrieve a number from memory, and
overwriting the current display
M+ Memory add Add the currently displayed number to the
C Clear Clear the currently displayed number. If
you have entered a number after pressing
an operator, pressing this button returns
the calculator to the state of having
pressed the operator.
AC All clear Return to the initial state (clear the current
display, operator state, memory number,
°F Fahrenheit Convert the entered number from Celsius
to Fahrenheit*
°C Celsius Convert the entered number from Fahren-
heit to Celsius*
gal Gallons Convert the entered number from liters to
L Liters Convert the entered number from gallons
to liters*
lb Pounds Convert the entered number from kilo-
grams to pounds*
Key Description Action
kg Kilograms Convert the entered number from pounds
to kilograms*
mi Miles Convert the entered number from kilome-
ters to miles*
km Kilometers Convert the entered number from miles to
ft Feet Convert the entered number from meters
to feet*
m Meters Convert the entered number from feet to
in Inches Convert the entered number from centi-
meters to inches*
cm Centimeters Convert the entered number from inches
to centimeters*
acre Acres Convert the entered number from square
meters to acres*
Square meters Convert the entered number from acres to
square meters*
psi Pounds per square
Convert the entered number from kilopas-
cals to pounds per square inch*
kPa Kilopascals Convert the entered number from pounds
per square inch to kilopascals*
Key Description Action