Before You Call for Service
Sove lime and money Check this list of causes of minor operating
problems you can correct yourself
Refrigerator does not operate
• May be in defrost cycle when motor does not operate for about
30 minutes
• Temperature control in OFF position.
• If interior light is not on, refrigerator may not be plugged in at
wall outlet
• if plug is secure ond refrigerator fails to operate, plug lamp into
same outlet to determine if there is tripped circuit breaker or
burned out fuse.
Motor operates for long periods
• Modern refrigerolors with more storoge spoce and о larger
freezer require more operating time,
• Normal when refrigerator is first delivered to your home—
usually requires 24 hours to completely cool down.
• lorge amounts of food placed in refrigerator to be cooled or
• Hot weother-frequenl door openings,
• Door left open
• Temperature controls set loo cold,
• Condenser needs cleaning
Operating sounds
• The high speed compressor motor required to maintain near
zero temperatures in the large freezer comparlmen} may produce
higher sound levels thon your old refrigerator,
• Normal farr air ffow—one ion blows cold air through the
refrigerator and freezer compartments—another fan cods the
compressor motor
• These NORMAL sounds will also be heard from time to time:
• Defrost timer switch clicks ot defrost
• Defrost water dripping
• Temperature control clicks ON or OFF
• Refrigerant boiling or gurgling
• Cracking or popping of cooling coils coused by expansion ond
contraction during defrost and refrigeration following defrost,
• Ice cubes dropping into the bin and woter running in pipes as
icemaker refills
Motor starts & stops frequently
• Temperature control storts ond stops motor to m0intain even
temperotures This is normal
Door not closing properly
• Doorgosketorr hinge side slicfctfig or folding over To correct, pul
a smdl omount of petroleum jelly on foce of gasket.
Vibration or rattling
• If refrigerator vibrates, more than likely it is not resting solidly on
the floor The front roller screws need adjusting, or floor is weak or
uneven Refer to Starting Your Refrigerator section.
• If dishes vibrate on shelves, try moving them Slight vibration is
Foods dry out
» Foods not covered, wropped or sealed properly
Fresh food or freezer compartment temperature
too warm
• Temperoture control not set cold enough-
• Warm weather-frequent door openings
• Door left open for long time
• Package may be holding door open
Frost or ice crystals on frozen food
• Door may have been left ajar or package bolding door open,
• Too frequent or too long door openings ,
• Frost within packoge is normal
Slow ice cube freezing
• Door may have been left ajar
• Set temperoture of freezer compartment colder.
Ice cubes hove odor/foste
• Old cubes need to be discarded. Empty ice bin every 30 days
• Ice storage bin needs to be woshed
• Unsealed pockages in refrigerator and/or freezer
comportments may be transmitting odor/tasfe to ice cubes ,
• Interior of refrigerolor needs cleoning
Automatic icemaker does not work
• Icemaker feeler arm in STOP (up) position
• Woter supply turned off or rrot connected
• Freezer compartment too warm
• Cubes loo small-water shutoff valve conrreding
refrigerator to home water line may be dogged
• Sometimes cubes fuse to the side of the ice mold and hold the
feeler arm In the STOP (up| position Remove this ice to restart the
• Piled up cubes In storage bin may couse icemaker to shut
off prematurely With icemaker feeler arm in STOP (up)
position, level cubes in bin by hand
• When leveling cubes by bond, you may hove pushed the feeler
arm info the STOP (up) position by mistake.