Operation Procedure
855-900547-200 3-17
Command Description
cd cd [path] Display/change the current directory.
child child Handle Display the device tree under the handle.
cls cls [color] Clear standard outputs.
comp comp file1 file2 Compare two files.
connect Connect [-r] Handle# |
Bind a driver to a device and start the driver.
cp cp [-r] src [src ...] [dst] Copy a file/directory.
date date [mm/dd[yy]yy] Display/set the date.
dblk dblk device [Lba] [blocks] Dump a block device.
dh dh [-p prot_id] [-b] | [handle] Display the handle in the EFI environment.
disconnect disconnect DeviceHandle#
[ChildHandle#]] | [-r]
Disconnect the driver from the device.
dmem dmem [Address] [Size]
Dump memory.
dmpstore dmpstore Display NVRAM variables.
echo echo [-on|-off]
echo [message]
Display message, or switch echo on/off.
edit edit [file] Edit the ASCII/UNICODE file.
EfiCompress EfiCompress [InFile]
Compress a file.
EfiDecompress [InFile]
Decompress a file.
err err [ErrorLevel] Display/change the error level.
exit exit Exit the EFI Shell.
getmtc getmtc Display the current counter value.
guid guid [-b] Display GUID in the EFI environment.
help help [-b] | [cmd] Display help.
hexedit hexedit [[-f] FileName | [-d
DiskName Offset Size] |
[-m Offset Size]
Edit file in hex mode.
load load file [file ...] Load the EFI driver.
LoadPciRom LoadPciRom [FileName] Load PCI option ROM image from file.