The Harmony dryer is the fastest premium dryer you can buy!
Delicate cycle with extra-low heat setting
• Maintains an average fabric temperature of 125ºF,
the ideal temperature for fine delicates.
Competitive comparison
GE Profile Harmony
(DPGT750EC) Extra Low 125° F
Whirlpool Duet
Extra Low 132° F
Maytag Neptune
UltraCare 130° F
Harmony is the most delicate dryer among these leading competitors.
Better, faster clothes care
• The Harmony dryer performs faster than similarly
priced machines. It shortens the laundry process,
so you can focus on more important things.
Competitive comparison
Average Dry Times
GE Profile Harmony
(DPGT750EC) 40 min.
Whirlpool Duet
(GEW9200) 55 min.
Maytag Neptune
(MDE7500) 62 min.
Harmony dries up to 27% faster than these competitors.
Based on 8 lb AHAM load—100% cotton @ 100% IMC.
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