1 Introduction
1.2.4 Prerequisites on TFTP server
A TFTP server is necessary for updating connection blades / management
l ServerView Agents for Windows or Linux >= V5.10 must be installed.
l ServerView Update Agent (Windows >=V5.10.02, Linux >=V5.30-00)
must be installed
A TFTP server is also necessary for updating iRMC S3 firmware and/or
BIOS on a VMware ESXi operating system.
l For updating iRMC S3 firmware, the following must be installed:
ServerView Agents for Windows or Linux >= V6.10
ServerView Update Agent for Windows or Linux >= 6.10
l For updating the BIOS, the following must be installed:
ServerView Agents for Windows or Linux >= V6.11
ServerView Update Agent for Windows or Linux >= 6.11
TFTP server Windows
l Fujitsu Technology Solutions PXE server (<=1.13.0000, >=1.15.0000)
must be installed.
Only the TFTP service has to be active!
For installation of TFTP Server Windows see "Installation under Win-
dows" on page 55.
TFTP server Linux
l The software package for tftp service (firewall configuration must allow
tftp) must be installed
For installation of TFTP server Linux see "Installation under Linux" on
page 56.
16 ServerView Update Management