Polar Choice Wireless Microphones
Figure 8
The PC Boundary Satellite…
The EV PC Boundary Satellite microphone is revolutionary in it’s simplicity.
Completely wireless it’s difference lies in it’s pickup patterns. Select the Figure
8 pickup pattern, and you’re using one mic to pick up both sides of the table.
Sounds like you’ve just improved your bottom line again!
The PolarChoice Story…
With EV’s innovative PolarChoice family, you electronically select the right pickup pattern
for your project on the microphone itself. No buying, stocking and eventually losing a
bunch of mic capsules with different pickup patterns. The PolarChoice Satellite lineup is all
completely wireless and works with any EV or Telex wireless bodypack system.
The PolarChoice PC Satellite….
Is a challenging acoustical environment making intelligibility next to impossible in your
boardroom installation? The PolarChoice PC Satellite microphone is a completely wireless
podium microphone that gets the mic as close to the person talking as possible. In
gooseneck lengths of 5, 12 and 18 inches, we have the lengths to cover any application.
• PC Satellite - 5
• PC Satellite -12
• PC Satellite -18
• PC Boundary