FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL 152
If all packets that cannot be delivered in a local network al-
ways are to be transmitted to their given recipients via the
same gateway, for this purpose the address of the gateway
must be saved as the default gateway in the network con-
figuration of the computer.
Such a default gateway for the computer is negotiated auto-
matically by the operating system or the dialing software
whenever an ISDN-Controller or DSL-Controller establishes
a connection to the Internet. If a router is used for the
shared Internet access in a local network, the IP address of
the router must be entered as the default gateway in the
TCP/IP configuration of each computer that wishes to use
the Internet connection. If the TCP/IP configuration is per-
formed by means of a DHCP server, there is no need to en-
ter the gateway address manually.
IP abbreviation for Internet Protocol
The IP Internet Protocol is the most important basic proto-
col for the control of data exchange in local networks and in
the Internet. The Internet protocol works without a connec-
tion; in other words, data packets are transmitted from the
sender to the recipient without previous consultation. The
addresses of the recipient and the sender in the data pack-
ets are given as IP addresses.
IP address abbreviation for Internet Protocol address
In IP-based networks, for instance in the Internet and local
networks, all connected devices are addressed via their IP
addresses. So that data packets are sure to be delivered to
the right address, each IP address may be assigned only
once within the Internet or a local IP network.
The IP address consists of four three-digit groups of num-
bers (for instance, Each group of num-
bers can assume values between 000 and 255.
Every IP address contains two components: the network ad-
dress and the host address. These two components can be
read out of an IP address only if the subnet mask is also