The Standard for Security
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL 127
Combining this standard with the 802.11g ensures compati-
bility with older WLAN adapters.
The Standard for Security
IEEE 802.11i The WPA2 security mechanism is defined in the
IEEE 802.11i standard. WPA2 is an extension of the familiar
security mechanism WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access).
The main feature of the extension of WPA to WPA2 is the
AES-CCMP encryption process:
FRITZ!Box supports the AES encryption procedure as part of
the WPA2 mechanism, and the TKIP encryption procedure
as part of the WPA mechanism. This means that the
FRITZ!Box can be used in combination with any WLAN
adapters that also support WPA2 with AES or WPA with TKIP.
2.2 Security
Security is of utmost importance within radio networks.
Therefore it is important that no unauthorized users can
register in a WLAN to use its Internet access or shared net-
work resources.
FRITZ!Box includes settings on various levels that contrib-
ute to the security of your WLAN and thus to the security of
your computers.
Mechanism Encryption
WPA TKIP (Temporary Key Integrity Protocol)
based on the extremely secure AES (Ad-
vanced Encryption Standard) procedure.
CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC Protocol) de-
fines how the AES procedure is applied to
WLAN packets.
Radio signals can also be received outside of office or resi-
dential spaces and abused for criminal purposes.