CG-SVU01B-E4 11
Display menu: “Data display”
From the menu screen, select “Data
Display” then press
Pressing or will allow
navigation from screen 1 to 8 as
shown hereafter:
The menu is looped making it
possible to scroll from the first item
in the menu to the last item.
1. Water and air temperatures
Lvg Wat Temp = Leaving water
Ret Wat Temp = Entering water
Amb Temp = Ambient air
Active StP = Active water setpoint
2. Refrigerant pressures
HP ckt1 = Condensing Pressure
circuit 1
HP ckt2 = Condensing Pressure
circuit 2 (dual circuit units only)
LP ckt1 = Evaporating Pressure
circuit 1
LP ckt2 = Evaporating Pressure
circuit 2 (dual circuit units only)
3. Refrigerant saturated temperatures
Sat Temp CDS1 = Condensing
temperature circuit 1
Sat Temp CDS2 = Condensing
temperature circuit 2 (dual circuit
units only)
Sat Temp EVP1 = Evaporating
temperature circuit 1
Sat Temp EVP2 = Evaporating
temperature circuit 2 (dual circuit
units only)
Legend for screens 4,5 and 6:
Cmp A1 = Compressor A/circuit 1
Cmp B1/C1 = Compressor B and
C/circuit 1
Cmp A2 = Compressor A/circuit 2
(dual circuit units only)
Cmp B2/C2 = Compressor B and
C/circuit 2 (dual circuit units only)
4. Compressors status
Possible Status:
Off = Compressor stopped
On = Compressor running
Rec.On = Compressor will start after
anti-short cycle
Rec.Off = Compressor will stop after
anti-short cycle
5. Compressors running time
Hrs indicates the number of full
hours compressor has been working
since its first start.
6. Number of compressors starts
Starts indicates the number of
compressor starts since first start-up.
7. Operating mode
Mode = Running mode
- Cooling = Cold water production
- Heating = Hot water production
(Reversible chillers only)
Stp Local 07.0°C
- Stp = Current setpoint
- Local = Source of Setpoint
Local = Cooling or heating
setpoint defined locally
Extern = Auxiliary setpoint
or operating mode by
external contact
Auto = setpoint by the
automatic reset or the
daily/weekly program
Remote = Setpoint by
Ckt1/Ckt 2 = Operational circuits
- Enable = Circuit is operational
- Disable = Circuit is not
8. Compressors failures counters
This menu indicates the number of
compressors failure regardless of
the history.
Lvg Wat Temp 08.0°C
Ret Wat Temp 12.0°C
Amb Temp 28.0°C
Active StP 07.0°C
HP ckt1 00.0 bar
HP ckt2 00.0 bar
LP ckt1 00.0 bar
LP ckt2 00.0 bar
Sat Temp CDS1 00.0°C
Sat Temp CDS2 00.0°C
Sat Temp EVP1 00.0°C
Sat Temp EVP2 00.0°C
Cmp A1 Off
Cmp B1 C1 Off
Cmp A2 Off
Cmp B2 C2 Off
Cmp A1 000000 Hrs
Cmp B1 C1 000000 Hrs
Cmp A2 000000 Hrs
Cmp B2 C2 000000 Hrs
Mode Cooling
Stp Local 07.0°C
Ckt1 Enable
Ckt2 Enable
Nb of CMP faults
Cpt A1:0 Cpt A 2:0
Cpt B1:0 Cpt B 2:0
Cpt C1:0 Cpt C 2:0
Cmp A1 000000 Starts
Cmp B1 C1 000000 Starts
Cmp A2 000000 Starts
Cmp B2 C2 000000 Starts