3. Basic Configuration
Congratulations! You are now ready to use the WLA-9000AP.
If you change the device’s IP address, as soon as you click on FINISH
you will no longer be able to communicate with your WLA-9000AP.
You need to change your IP address and then re-boot your computer
in order to resume the communication.
3.4 ACK Timeout Setup
Ack TimeOut (11a)/ (11g)/: The "ACK time-out" determines how long the program waits
after receiving a packet from a file stream to determine that stream to be a complete file.
WLA-9000AP provides a calculator on UI that helps you to obtain this value only by giving
the distance.
Input distance value in meters. The ACK Timeout value will be automatically calculated
accordingly. This is the value to be entered into the “ACK Timeout (11a)” or “ACK Timeout
(11g)” field according to the spectrum
3.4.1 ACK Calculator
Advanced setting >> wireless settings
Click on the “ACK Calculator” at the right down side of this page.
In the field of “Distance”, input the distance in “meters”.
After input the distance value, move the cursor to any place on the pop-up window out
of three fields. The calculated value will display.
AirLive WLA-9000AP User’s Manual