Something not working?
The door will not open
Spinning starts late or the
machine does not spin
The machine will not dry or
the laundry is not dry
The water tap is not open. Open the water tap.
The drain filter is clogged. Clean the filter.
The drying time has not Select the drying time.
been selected.
An appropriate drying time, Select the appropriate
in the correct sector, has drying time suitable for the
not been chosen. required degree of drying,
in the correct sector,
according to the type of
fabric (cottons or synthetics).
There is too much laundry Reduce the load.
inside the appliance.
Possible cause
The programme is still Wait until the end of the
running. programme before opening
the door.
The door lock has not yet Wait about 2 minutes for
released. the door lock to release.
The anticrease option has Empty out water in order
been selected. to be able to open the
The unbalance detection If the laundry is not evenly
device that prevents distributed inside the drum
excessive vibration during at the beginning of the
spinning and ensures a spin cycle, the machine
stable position has cut in. detects this and tries to
redistribute it more evenly
by means of a few drum
Only when the laundry is
more evenly distributed,
the spin cycle will be
If, after about 10 minutes,
the laundry is still tangled,
the machine will not spin.
Therefore, if the laundry is
still wet at the end of the
cycle, it is advisable to
redistribute it manually
inside the drum and to
select the spin programme